

Some of the software we develop to control our lab equipment and other useful design files for parts we use in our experiments are available as open source on GitHub through a GNU AGPLv3 license.


(All of our publications are available as free e-prints on the arXiv. For a full list of publications see below or go to Google Scholar, ORCID or Web of Science)

Frequency tunable, cavity-enhanced single erbium quantum emitter in the telecom band

Using a single Erbium ion, we demonstrate a tunable single photon source.

Y. Yu, D. Oser, G. Da Prato, E. Urbinati, J. Carrasco Ávila, Y. Zhang, P. Remy, S. Marzban, S. Gröblacher, and W. Tittel

Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 170801 (2023)

On-chip distribution of quantum information using traveling phonons

We develop a platform for traveling phonons on a chip, demonstrating entanglement between a pair of propagating mechanical modes.

A. Zivari, N. Fiaschi, R. Burgwal, E. Verhagen, R. Stockill, and S. Gröblacher

Science Adv. 8, eadd2811 (2022)

Non-classical mechanical states guided in a phononic waveguide

We design and realize the first waveguide for non-classical traveling mechanical excitations, which we experimentally demonstrate to enable routing of long lived and strongly confined single phonons on a chip.

A. Zivari, R. Stockill, N. Fiaschi, and S. Gröblacher

Nature Phys. 18, 789-793 (2022)

News & Views by Hiroshi Yamaguchi & Daiki Hatanaka

Optomechanical quantum teleportation

We experimentally demonstrate a protocol to teleport an arbitrary qubit state from a single photon onto an optomechanical device - consisting of a mechanical structure comprising billions of atoms.

N. Fiaschi*, B. Hensen*, A. Wallucks, R. Benevides, J. Li, T. P. Mayer Alegre, and S. Gröblacher

Nature Photon. 15, 817-821 (2021)

News & Views by Glen Harris & Warwick Bowen

A quantum memory at telecom wavelengths

In our work we demonstrate a quantum memory natively operating in the telecommunication band. We realize our memory using a fully engineered optomechanical system and demonstrate storage times of up to 2ms.

A. Wallucks, I. Marinković, B. Hensen, R. Stockill, and S. Gröblacher

Nature Phys. 16, 772-777 (2020)

Feedback cooling of a room temperature mechanical oscillator close to its motional groundstate

A new fishbone-like design allows us to feedback cool an optomechanical device from room temperature by 6 orders of magnitude close to its groundstate of motion.

J. Guo, R. A. Norte, and S. Gröblacher

Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 223602 (2019)

Microwave-to-optics conversion using a mechanical oscillator in its quantum ground state

An integrated electro-optomechanical device is used to demonstrate coherent conversion between a microwave GHz and an optical telecom signal, close to the quantum noise limit.

M. Forsch*, R. Stockill*, A. Wallucks, I. Marinković, C. Gärtner, R. A. Norte, F. van Otten, A. Fiore, K. Srinivasan, and S. Gröblacher

Nature Phys. 16, 69-74 (2020)

Nanofabricated tips as a platform for double-tip and device based scanning tunneling microscopy

We introduce a platform for bringing new, device-based functionality to STM, with the goal of utilizing decades of progress in device engineering for the field of scanning probes.

M. Leeuwenhoek, R. A. Norte, K. M. Bastiaans, D. Cho, I. Battisti, Y. M. Blanter, S. Gröblacher, and M. P. Allan

Nanotechnology 30, 335702 (2019)

Near-field coupling of a levitated nanoparticle to a photonic crystal cavity

We use a novel method of light-guiding nanoscale device called a photonic crystal cavity to monitor the position of a nanoparticle levitating in a traditional optical trap.

L. Magrini, R. A. Norte, R. Riedinger, I. Marinković, D. Grass, U. Delić, S. Gröblacher, S. Hong, and M. Aspelmeyer

Optica 5, 1597-1602 (2018)

Featured on the cover of Optica, December 2018

An optomechanical Bell test

In our experiment, photons interact with mechanical oscillators through the radiation pressure force, which leads to an entangled opto-mechanical state. We use this to violate a Bell inequality, demonstrating that massive systems can be at variance with local realism.

I. Marinković*, A. Wallucks*, R. Riedinger, S. Hong, M. Aspelmeyer, and S. Gröblacher

Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 220404 (2018)

Synopsis by Christopher Crockett

Remote quantum entanglement between two micromechanical oscillators

Entanglement is famously known as the spooky action at a distance between two objects that can only be described with quantum theory. We have now succeeded in creating such entanglement between two massive, micromechanical resonators mediated by photons.

R. Riedinger*, A. Wallucks*, I. Marinković*, C. Löschnauer, M. Aspelmeyer, S. Hong, and S. Gröblacher

Nature 556, 473-477 (2018)

News & Views by Andrew Armour

Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometry of single phonons from an optomechanical resonator

We create individual phonon excitations of a mechanical oscillator and confirm their fundamental particle aspect, adapting a well-known test from quantum optics.

S. Hong*, R. Riedinger*, I. Marinković*, A. Wallucks*, S. G. Hofer, R. A. Norte, M. Aspelmeyer, and S. Gröblacher

Science 358, 203-206 (2017)

Mechanical Resonators for Quantum Optomechanics Experiments at Room Temperature

We created a highly reflective membrane with ultra-high mechanical quality factors, which is a promising candidate to test quantum mechanics in large objects at ambient temperatures.

R. A. Norte, J. P. Moura, and S. Gröblacher

Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 147202 (2016)

Viewpoint by John Teufel

Non-classical correlations between single photons and phonons from a mechanical oscillator

In our experiment, we observe non-classical correlations between a mechanical resonator and a single photon, demontsrating quantum behavior of mechanical motion.

R. Riedinger*, S. Hong*, R. A. Norte, J. A. Slater, J. Shang, A. G. Krause, V. Anant, M. Aspelmeyer, and S. Gröblacher

Nature 530, 313-316 (2016)

News & Views by Miles Blencowe


List of publications

* indicates equal contribution
freely accessible pre-prints can be found under [e-print]


Bandwidth-tunable Telecom Single Photons Enabled by Low-noise Optomechanical Transduction
L. Chen, A.R. Korsch, C. Moreno Kersul, R. Benevides, Y. Yu, T.P. Mayer Alegre, and S. Gröblacher
arXiv:2410.10947 (2024)

Microwave-optics entanglement via coupled opto- and magnomechanical microspheres
H.-T. Li, Z.-Y. Fan, H.-B. Zhu, S. Gröblacher, and J. Li
arXiv:2408.03791 (2024)

Long-range optomechanical interactions in SiN membrane arrays
X. Yao, M.H.J. de Jong, J. Li, and S. Gröblacher
arXiv:2408.03066 (2024)

Heterogeneous integration of amorphous silicon carbide on thin film lithium niobate
Z. Li, N. Sharma, B. Lopez-Rodriguez, R. van der Kolk, T. Scholte, H. Voncken, J. van der Boom, S. Gröblacher, and I. Esmaeil Zadeh
arXiv:2407.09350 (2024)

Magic silicon dioxide for widely tunable integrated photonics
B. Lopez-Rodriguez, N. Sharma, Z. Li, R. van der Kolk, J. van der Boom, T. Scholte, J. Chang, S. Gröblacher, and I. Esmaeil Zadeh
arXiv:2407.08480 (2024)

A single-phonon directional coupler
A. Zivari, N. Fiaschi, L. Scarpelli, M. Jansen, R. Burgwal, E. Verhagen, and S. Gröblacher
arXiv:2312.04414 (2023)

Optical readout of a superconducting qubit using a scalable piezo-optomechanical transducer
T.C. van Thiel, M.J. Weaver, F. Berto, P. Duivestein, M. Lemang, K.L. Schuurman, M. Žemlička, F. Hijazi, A.C. Bernasconi, E. Lachman, M. Field, Y. Mohan, F.K. de Vries, C.C. Bultink, J. van Oven, J.Y. Mutus, R. Stockill, and S. Gröblacher
arXiv:2310.06026 (2023)


Phononic crystals in superfluid thin-film helium
A.R. Korsch, N. Fiaschi, and S. Gröblacher
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, L041005 (2024) [e-print]

Broadband, High-Reflectivity Dielectric Mirrors at Wafer Scale: Combining Photonic Crystal and Metasurface Architectures for Advanced Lightsails
J. Chang, W. Ji, X. Yao, A.J. van Run, and S. Gröblacher
Nano Lett. 24, 6689-6695 (2024) [e-print]


Microwave-Optics Entanglement via Cavity Optomagnomechanics
Z.-Y. Fan, L. Qiu, S. Gröblacher, and J. Li
Laser Photonics Rev. 17, 2200866 (2023) [e-print]

Frequency tunable, cavity-enhanced single erbium quantum emitter in the telecom band
Y. Yu, D. Oser, G. Da Prato, E. Urbinati, J. Carrasco Ávila, Y. Zhang, P. Remy, S. Marzban, S. Gröblacher, and W. Tittel
Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 170801 (2023) [e-print]

An integrated microwave-to-optics interface for scalable quantum computing
M. J. Weaver, P. Duivestein, A. C. Bernasconi, S. Scharmer, M. Lemang, T. C. van Thiel, F. Hijazi, B. Hensen, S. Gröblacher, and R. Stockill
Nature Nanotechnol. 19, 166-172 (2024) [e-print]

High-quality amorphous Silicon Carbide for hybrid photonic integration deposited at a low temperature
B. Lopez-Rodriguez, R. Van Der Kolk, S. Aggarwal, N. Sharma, Z. Li, D. Van Der Plaats, T. Scholte, J. Chang, S. Gröblacher, S. F. Pereira, H. Bhaskaran, and I. Esmaeil Zadeh
ACS Photonics 10, 3748-3754 (2023) [e-print]

Dissipative optomechanics in high-frequency nanomechanical resonators
A. G. Primo, P. V. Pinho, R. Benevides, S. Gröblacher, G. S. Wiederhecker, and T. P. Mayer Alegre
Nature Commun. 14, 5793 (2023) [e-print]

Beating ringdowns of near-degenerate mechanical resonances
M. H. J. de Jong, A. Cupertino, D. Shin, S. Gröblacher, F. Alijani, P. G. Steeneken, and R. Norte
Phys. Rev. Applied 20, 024053 (2023) [e-print]

Active-feedback quantum control of an integrated low-frequency mechanical resonator
J. Guo, J. Chang, X. Yao, and S. Gröblacher
Nature Commun. 14, 4721 (2023) [e-print]

Recent advances in metasurface design and quantum optics applications with machine learning, physics-informed neural networks, and topology optimization methods
W. Ji, J. Chang, H.-X. Xu, J. Rong Gao, S. Gröblacher, H. P. Urbach, and A. J. L. Adam
Light Sci. Appl. 12, 169 (2023) [e-print]

Silicon anisotropy in a bi-dimensional optomechanical cavity
C. M. Kersul, R. Benevides, F. Moraes, G. H. M. de Aguiar, A. Wallucks, S. Gröblacher, G. S. Wiederhecker, and T. P. Mayer Alegre
APL Photonics 8, 056112 (2023) [e-print]

A Fiber-Coupled Scanning Magnetometer with Nitrogen-Vacancy Spins in a Diamond Nanobeam
Y. Li, F. A. Gerritsma, S. Kurdi, N. Codreanu, S. Gröblacher, R. Hanson, R. Norte, and T. van der Sar
ACS Photonics 10, 1859-1865 (2023) [e-print]

Surface acoustic wave resonators on thin film piezoelectric substrates in the quantum regime
T. Luschmann, A. Jung, S. Geprägs, F. X. Haslbeck, A. Marx, S. Filipp, S. Gröblacher, R. Gross, and H. Huebl
Mater. Quantum Technol. 3, 021001 (2023) [e-print]

Mechanical overtone frequency combs
M. H. J. de Jong, A. Ganesan, A. Cupertino, S. Gröblacher, and R. Norte
Nature Commun. 14, 1458 (2023) [e-print]


On-chip distribution of quantum information using traveling phonons
A. Zivari, N. Fiaschi, R. Burgwal, E. Verhagen, R. Stockill, and S. Gröblacher
Science Adv. 8, eadd2811 (2022) [e-print]

Coherent feedback in optomechanical systems in the sideband-unresolved regime
J. Guo and S. Gröblacher
Quantum 6, 848 (2022) [e-print]

Ultra-low-noise Microwave to Optics Conversion in Gallium Phosphide
R. Stockill*, M. Forsch*, F. Hijazi, G. Beaudoin, K. Pantzas, I. Sagnes, R. Braive, and S. Gröblacher
Nature Commun. 13, 6583 (2022) [e-print]

Integrated optical-readout of a high-Q mechanical out-of-plane mode
J. Guo and S. Gröblacher
Light Sci. Appl. 11, 282 (2022) [e-print]

Non-classical mechanical states guided in a phononic waveguide
A. Zivari, R. Stockill, N. Fiaschi, and S. Gröblacher
Nature Phys. 18, 789-793 (2022) [e-print]
News & Views by Hiroshi Yamaguchi & Daiki Hatanaka

Mechanical dissipation by substrate-mode coupling in SiN resonators
M. H. J. de Jong, M. A. ten Wolde, A. Cupertino, S. Gröblacher, P. G. Steeneken, R. Norte
Appl. Phys. Lett 121, 032201 (2022) [e-print]

Coherent mechanical noise cancellation and cooperativity competition in optomechanical arrays
M. H. J. de Jong*, J. Li*, C. Gärtner, R. A. Norte, and S. Gröblacher
Optica 9, 170-176 (2022) [e-print]

Optomechanics for quantum technologies
S. Barzanjeh, A. Xuereb, S. Gröblacher, M. Paternostro, C. A. Regal, and E. Weig
Nature Phys. 18, 15-24 (2022) [e-print]


Optomechanical quantum teleportation
N. Fiaschi*, B. Hensen*, A. Wallucks, R. Benevides, J. Li, T. P. Mayer Alegre, and S. Gröblacher
Nature Photon. 15, 817-821 (2021) [e-print]
News & Views by Glen Harris & Warwick Bowen

Entangling the vibrational modes of two massive ferromagnetic spheres using cavity magnomechanics
J. Li and S. Gröblacher
Quantum Sci. Technol. 6, 024005 (2021) [e-print]

Hybrid integration of silicon photonic devices on lithium niobate for optomechanical wavelength conversion
I. Marinković*, M. Drimmer*, B. Hensen, and S. Gröblacher
Nano Lett. 21, 529-535 (2021) [e-print]


Fabrication of on-chip probes for double-tip scanning tunneling microscopy
M. Leeuwenhoek, F. Groenewoud, K. van Oosten, T. Benschop, M. P. Allan, and S. Gröblacher
Microsyst. Nanoeng. 6, 99 (2020) [e-print]

A perspective on hybrid quantum opto- and electromechanical systems
Y. Chu and S. Gröblacher
Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 150503 (2020) [e-print]
Editor’s pick

Modeling Green’s function measurements with two-tip scanning tunneling microscopy
M. Leeuwenhoek, S. Gröblacher, M. P. Allan, and Y. M. Blanter
Phys. Rev. B 102, 115416 (2020) [e-print]

Proposal for optomechanical quantum teleportation
J. Li, A. Wallucks, R. Benevides, N. Fiaschi, B. Hensen, T. P. Mayer Alegre, and S. Gröblacher
Phys. Rev. A 102, 032402 (2020) [e-print]

A quantum memory at telecom wavelengths
A. Wallucks, I. Marinković, B. Hensen, R. Stockill, and S. Gröblacher
Nature Phys. 16, 772-777 (2020) [e-print]

Stationary quantum entanglement between a massive mechanical membrane and a low frequency LC circuit
J. Li and S. Gröblacher
New J. Phys. 22, 063041 (2020) [e-print]


Feedback cooling of a room temperature mechanical oscillator close to its motional groundstate
J. Guo, R. A. Norte, and S. Gröblacher
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 223602 (2019) [e-print]

Gallium phosphide as a piezoelectric platform for quantum optomechanics
R. Stockill*, M. Forsch*, G. Beaudoin, K. Pantzas, I. Sagnes, R. Braive, and S. Gröblacher
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 163602 (2019) [e-print]

Microwave-to-optics conversion using a mechanical oscillator in its quantum ground state
M. Forsch*, R. Stockill*, A. Wallucks, I. Marinković, C. Gärtner, R. A. Norte, F. van Otten, A. Fiore, K. Srinivasan, and S. Gröblacher
Nature Phys. 16, 69-74 (2020) [e-print]

Nanofabricated tips as a platform for double-tip and device based scanning tunneling microscopy
M. Leeuwenhoek, R. A. Norte, K. M. Bastiaans, D. Cho, I. Battisti, Y. M. Blanter, S. Gröblacher, and M. P. Allan
Nanotechnology 30, 335702 (2019) [e-print]


Near-field coupling of a levitated nanoparticle to a photonic crystal cavity
L. Magrini, R. A. Norte, R. Riedinger, I. Marinković, D. Grass, U. Delić, S. Gröblacher, S. Hong, and M. Aspelmeyer
Optica 5, 1597-1602 (2018) [e-print]
Featured on the cover of Optica, December 2018

An optomechanical Bell test
I. Marinković*, A. Wallucks*, R. Riedinger, S. Hong, M. Aspelmeyer, and S. Gröblacher
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 220404 (2018) [e-print]
Synopsis by Christopher Crockett

Integrated optomechanical arrays of two high reflectivity SiN membranes
C. Gärtner*, J. P. Moura*, W. Haaxman, R. A. Norte, and S. Gröblacher
Nano Lett. 18, 7171-7175 (2018) [e-print]

Electro-mechanical Casimir effect
M. Sanz, W. Wieczorek, S. Gröblacher, and E. Solano
Quantum 2, 91 (2018) [e-print]

Platform for measurements of the Casimir force between two superconductors
R. A. Norte, M. Forsch, A. Wallucks, I. Marinković, and S. Gröblacher
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 030405 (2018) [e-print]

Generation and detection of non-Gaussian phonon-added coherent states in optomechanical systems
J. Li, S. Gröblacher, S.-Y. Zhu, and G. S. Agarwal
Phys. Rev. A 98, 011801(R) (2018) [e-print]

Remote quantum entanglement between two micromechanical oscillators
R. Riedinger*, A. Wallucks*, I. Marinković*, C. Löschnauer, M. Aspelmeyer, S. Hong, and S. Gröblacher
Nature 556, 473-477 (2018) [e-print]
News & Views by Andrew Armour

Centimeter-Scale Suspended Photonic Crystal Mirrors
J. P. Moura*, R. A. Norte*, J. Guo, C. Schäfermeier, and S. Gröblacher
Opt. Express 26, 1895-1909 (2018) [e-print]


Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometry of single phonons from an optomechanical resonator
S. Hong*, R. Riedinger*, I. Marinković*, A. Wallucks*, S. G. Hofer, R. A. Norte, M. Aspelmeyer, and S. Gröblacher
Science 358, 203-206 (2017) [e-print]

Integrated optical force sensors using focusing photonic crystal arrays
J. Guo, R. A. Norte, and S. Gröblacher
Opt. Express 25, 9196-9203 (2017) [e-print]


Mechanical Resonators for Quantum Optomechanics Experiments at Room Temperature
R. A. Norte, J. P. Moura, and S. Gröblacher
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 147202 (2016) [e-print]
Viewpoint by John Teufel

Non-classical correlations between single photons and phonons from a mechanical oscillator
R. Riedinger*, S. Hong*, R. A. Norte, J. A. Slater, J. Shang, A. G. Krause, V. Anant, M. Aspelmeyer, and S. Gröblacher
Nature 530, 313-316 (2016) [e-print]
News & Views by Miles Blencowe


Observation of non-Markovian micromechanical Brownian motion
S. Gröblacher, A. Trubarov, N. Prigge, G. D. Cole, M. Aspelmeyer, and J. Eisert
Nature Commun. 6, 7606 (2015) [e-print]

Phonon counting and intensity interferometry of a nanomechanical resonator
J. D. Cohen*, S. M. Meenehan*, G. S. MacCabe, S. Gröblacher, A. H. Safavi-Naeini, F. Marsili, M. D. Shaw, and O. Painter
Nature 520, 522-525 (2015) [e-print]
News & Views by Ivan Favero


Silicon optomechanical crystal resonator at millikelvin temperatures
S. M. Meenehan*, J. D. Cohen*, S. Gröblacher*, J. T. Hill, A. H. Safavi-Naeini, M. Aspelmeyer, and O. Painter
Phys. Rev. A 90, 011803(R) (2014) [e-print]

Two-dimensional phononic-photonic band gap optomechanical crystal cavity
A. H. Safavi-Naeini, J. T. Hill, S. Meenehan, J. Chan, S Gröblacher, and O. Painter
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 153603 (2014) [e-print]
Viewpoint by Florian Marquardt


Highly efficient coupling from an optical fiber to a nanoscale silicon optomechanical cavity
S. Gröblacher*, J. T. Hill*, A. H. Safavi-Naeini*, J. Chan, and O. Painter
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 181104 (2013) [e-print]

Phase-space behavior and conditional dynamics of an optomechanical system
S. Gröblacher, S. Gigan, and M. Paternostro
Phys. Rev. A 88, 023813 (2013) [e-print]

Squeezed light from a silicon micromechanical resonator
A. H. Safavi-Naeini*, S. Gröblacher*, J. T. Hill*, J. Chan, M. Aspelmeyer, and O. Painter
Nature 500, 185-189 (2013) [e-print]

Enhancing non-classicality in mechanical systems
J. Li, S. Gröblacher, and M. Paternostro
New J. Phys. 15, 033023 (2013) [e-print]

Highly efficient heralding of entangled single photons
S. Ramelow, A. Mech, M. Giustina, S. Gröblacher, W. Wieczorek, J. Beyer, A. Lita, B. Calkins, T. Gerrits, S. W. Nam, A. Zeilinger, and R. Ursin
Opt. Express 21, 6707-6717 (2013) [e-print]

Laser noise in cavity-optomechanical cooling and thermometry
A. H. Safavi-Naeini, J. Chan, J. T. Hill, S. Gröblacher, H. Miao, Y. Chen, M. Aspelmeyer, and O. Painter
New J. Phys. 15, 035007 (2013) [e-print]


Laser cooling of a nanomechanical oscillator into its quantum ground state
J. Chan, T. P. Mayer Alegre, A. H. Safavi-Naeini, J. T. Hill, A. Krause, S. Gröblacher, M. Aspelmeyer, and O. Painter
Nature 478, 89-92 (2011) [e-print]
News & Views by Florian Marquardt

2010 and earlier

Quantum optomechanics - throwing a glance
M. Aspelmeyer, S. Gröblacher, K. Hammerer, and N. Kiesel
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 27, A189-A197 (2010) [e-print]

Observation of strong coupling between a micromechanical resonator and an optical cavity field
S. Gröblacher, K. Hammerer, M. R. Vanner, and M. Aspelmeyer
Nature 460, 724-727 (2009) [e-print]

Demonstration of an ultracold micro-optomechanical oscillator in a cryogenic cavity
S. Gröblacher, J. B. Hertzberg, M. R. Vanner, G. D. Cole, S. Gigan, K. C. Schwab, and M. Aspelmeyer
Nature Phys. 5, 485-488 (2009) [e-print]
News & Views by Andrew Cleland

Monocrystalline AlxGa1−xAs heterostructures for high-reflectivity high-Q micromechanical resonators in the megahertz regime
G. D. Cole, S. Gröblacher, K. Gugler, S. Gigan, and M. Aspelmeyer
Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 261108 (2008) [e-print]

Radiation-pressure self-cooling of a micromirror in a cryogenic environment
S. Gröblacher, S. Gigan, H. R. Böhm, A. Zeilinger, and M. Aspelmeyer
Europhys. Lett. 81, 54003 (2008) [e-print]

Experimental Test of Nonlocal Realistic Theories Without the Rotational Symmetry Assumption
T. Paterek, A. Fedrizzi, S. Gröblacher, T. Jennewein, M. Żukowski, M. Aspelmeyer, and A. Zeilinger
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 210406 (2007) [e-print]

How to create and detect N-dimensional entangled photons with an active phase hologram
M. Stütz, S. Gröblacher, T. Jennewein, and A. Zeilinger
Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 261114 (2007) [e-print]

An experimental test of non-local realism
S. Gröblacher, T. Paterek, R. Kaltenbaek, Č. Brukner, M. Żukowski, M. Aspelmeyer, and A. Zeilinger
Nature 446, 871-875 (2007) [e-print]
News & Views by Alain Aspect

Experimental Quantum Cryptography with Qutrits
S. Gröblacher, T. Jennewein, A. Vaziri, G. Weihs, and A. Zeilinger
New J. Phys. 8, 75 (2006) [e-print]


Megahertz monocrystalline optomechanical resonators with minimal dissipation
G. D. Cole, I. Wilson-Rae, M. R. Vanner, S. Gröblacher, J. Pohl, M. Zorn, M. Weyers, A. Peters, and M. Aspelmeyer
23rd IEEE International Conference on Microelectromechanical Systems (Hong Kong, China, January 24-28, 2010)

Quanten-mechanisch im Wortsinne
A. Schliesser and S. Gröblacher
Phys. Unserer Zeit 52, 282-289 (2021)

Licht macht Druck
N. Kiesel, W. Wieczorek, S. Gröblacher, and M. Aspelmeyer
Phys. Unserer Zeit 42, 276-284 (2011)

Master Theses

Experimental Investigation of Quantum Communication Protocols in Higher Dimensions
S. Gröblacher
University of Vienna (2005)


Novel atomic force microscopy probes with phononic crystals
M. Leeuwenhoek, R. A. Norte, M. P. Allan, and S. Gröblacher
NL2024495B1, Priority date Dec. 18, 2019

High-selectivity dry release of dielectric structures
R. A. Norte and S. Gröblacher
NL2023917B1, Priority date Sep. 30, 2019

Quantum wavelength converter between microwave and optical signals
S. Gröblacher, M. Forsch, and R. Stockill
NL2021950B1, Priority date Nov. 07, 2018

Method for Fabrication of Large-Aspect-Ratio Nano-Thickness Mirrors
R. A. Norte and S. Gröblacher
NL2019631B1, Priority date Sep. 26, 2017

Photonic Crystal Mirrors on Tethered Membrane Resonator
R. A. Norte and S. Gröblacher
NL2016081B1, Priority date Jan. 11, 2016

PhD Theses

A Journey on Quantum Sound
A. Zivari
Delft University of Technology (2024)

Quantum communication using phonons
N. Fiaschi
Delft University of Technology (2023)

Dynamical behavior of trampoline membranes
M. H. J. de Jong
Casimir PhD Series 2022-34 (Delft University of Technology)

Bringing classical mechanical resonators towards the quantum regime
J. Guo
Delft University of Technology (2021)

Building Blocks for Wavelength Converters
M. Forsch
Casimir PhD Series 2020-27 (Delft University of Technology)

Advanced membrane architectures for multimode optomechanics
C. Gärtner
University of Vienna (2020)

Nanofabricated tips for device-based and double-tip scanning tunneling microscopy
M. Leeuwenhoek
Delft University of Technology (2020)

Towards an Optomechanical Quantum Memory: Preparation and Storage of Non-Classical States in High-Frequency Mechanical Resonators
A. Wallucks
Casimir PhD Series 2020-04 (Delft University of Technology)

Optomechanical devices in the quantum regime
I. Marinković
Delft University of Technology (2019)

Making light jump: Photonic crystals on trampoline membranes for optomechanics experiments
J. P. Pinto Moura
Casimir PhD Series 2019-06 (Delft University of Technology)

Quantum opto-mechanics with micromirrors: combining nano-mechanics with quantum optics
S. Gröblacher
University of Vienna (2010)
also published in Springer, Heidelberg (2012)